Legal Profession Admission Board

Exam cover pages

Cover pages for the Term 1 2025 March examinations are below.

Please note the exam format is set by the examiner of each subject at the start of each term and may change in subsequent exam periods. 

01 - Foundations of Law (PDF, 54.3 KB)
02 - Criminal Law & Procedure (PDF, 264.3 KB)
03 - Torts (PDF, 54.2 KB)
04 - Contracts (PDF, 74.8 KB)
05 - Real Property (PDF, 253.6 KB)
06 - Australian Constitutional Law (PDF, 55.6 KB)
07 - Equity (PDF, 54.3 KB)
08 - Commercial Transactions (PDF, 250.1 KB)
09 - Administrative Law (PDF, 54.7 KB)
10 - Law of Associations (PDF, 251.0 KB)
11 - Evidence (PDF, 54.2 KB)
12 - Taxation & Revenue Law (PDF, 55.6 KB)
13 - Succession (PDF, 52.5 KB)
14 - Conveyancing (PDF, 54.7 KB)
​15 - Practice & Procedure (PDF, 55.7 KB)
16 - Insolvency *
17 - Legal Ethics (PDF, 54.8 KB)

18 - Conflict of Laws (PDF, 54.9 KB)

19 - Family Law (PDF, 101.4 KB)
20 - Planning and Environmental Law *
21 - Industrial Law  (PDF, 251.6 KB)
22 - Intellectual Property Law (PDF, 251.6 KB)
23 - Public International Law *
24 - Jurisprudence (PDF, 347.7 KB)
25 - Competition & Consumer Law (PDF, 54.4 KB)
26 - Advanced Statutory Interpretation *
27 - Health Law (PDF, 249.6 KB)

* Not offered this semester

Last updated:

27 Mar 2025

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We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future. 

Informed by lessons of the past, Department of Communities and Justice is improving how we work with Aboriginal people and communities. We listen and learn from the knowledge, strength and resilience of Stolen Generations Survivors, Aboriginal Elders and Aboriginal communities.

You can access our apology to the Stolen Generations.

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