Legal Profession Admission Board


You must be a registered student

Only registered students who are not currently excluded should lodge their enrolment application online.  If you are not currently a Student at Law please go to the Prospective students page​ for information on registration.  

If you are currently excluded, please use the STEMS Student Portal and lodge a student course application seeking an exemption under Rule 67 of the NSW Admission Board Rules 2015.  There is a fee for making that application (fee) which is payable prior to making the application.

Enrolment in subjects

Please refer to the information in the Diploma-in-Law Information Handbook. The progression rules state that you must complete the first 11 subjects in order. For the first 8 subjects, you can only enrol in 2 subjects at a time. After 8 subjects, you may enrol for 3 subjects.

Students must check the exam timetable (PDF, 132.9 KB) to ensure they do not have any exam clashes prior to enrolment.  

Exam location

Examinations are held in the Sydney CBD, Newcastle, Canberra and at 12 Country University Centres. Before completing the online enrolment form please select your exam location (PDF, 161.8 KB)

Online Examinations by Exception

Permission to sit examinations online may be granted only in exceptional circumstances that prevent candidates from attending exams in person.  Application for Online Examinations by Exception (PDF, 370.5 KB) must be submitted upon enrolment each semester. Before completing your application please read the Board's Online Examination by Exception Policy (PDF, 254.5 KB)Please note this policy has been updated with changes to eligibility criteria. 

A $200 fee applies (waived for Commonwealth welfare recipients). This payment needs to be made separately through the LPAB Fees Page.

Exam format

Candidates siting at an exam centre will be able to choose to handwrite their exam answer or type their answer on their own device. Information to help inform selection is distributed after studies commence. Students will be contacted to select their exam format. 

Online enrolment and payment

The online process allows you to choose your subjects and pay the enrolment fees (using a Visa or MasterCard credit card / debit card). 

The apply online link below will launch an electronic enrolment form and payment gateway hosted by Westpac. Please ensure that you only enrol for subjects allowed under the progression rules. Completion of this online form does not confirm enrolment and should your application not be correct your enrolment will not be processed. You will be advised in writing when your enrolment has been confirmed. This will usually be within 21 days.

Documents to inform your enrolment

Please read the Diploma in Law Handbook (PDF, 1.9 MB)refund policy and deferred examination policy (PDF, 212.7 KB) before starting your enrolment application. You will need to declare that you have read and understand these documents before completing your enrolment.

Applications for special exam arrangements and for online examinations by exception should be made upon enrolment. Details are here.   

Please do not use the following payment link unless asked to


For the upcoming semester (Summer 2024-2025), a new payment system will be introduced.  Please do not use the link on this page unless specifically instructed by staff to use it.  Registrations using this link will not be accepted. 

Enrolment Period: Commencing 21 April to 2 May 2025

Late enrolments (late fees apply) will be accepted to [To be advised]

Enrolments outside these dates may NOT be accepted.

Last day for Application for relaxation of rules: [To be advised]

Enrolment Fees

As of 1 July 2024 enrolment fees are $1089 per subject. 

Last updated:

27 Mar 2025

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We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future. 

Informed by lessons of the past, Department of Communities and Justice is improving how we work with Aboriginal people and communities. We listen and learn from the knowledge, strength and resilience of Stolen Generations Survivors, Aboriginal Elders and Aboriginal communities.

You can access our apology to the Stolen Generations.

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